Thursday, February 26, 2009

New ONLINE catalog!

Please welcome the LC Library to the 21st century! Today we started using our new online catalog, called Destiny! Click here to check it out.

Basically what this means is:
  1. you can now search for library books from anywhere that you have internet access!
  2. we can add websites and ebooks to our catalog
  3. you can create your own login and then you can:
  • see what items you have checked out and when they are due
  • see any fines you owe
  • create reading lists
  • put books on hold
  • check out e-books [coming soon]
Also, you can try Destiny Quest. It's the cool way to use the library. No, really. Go try it out!

Thursday, February 19, 2009


This has nothing to do with school or the library....well, it could relate to art class, if you are amazingly talented and great at art, which I am not. Which is probably why I love this video so much, because I know I could never make anything this good, and I totally appreciate the effort put into this. Plus, it's just really cool.

Bubblicious from Rex The Dog on Vimeo.

Need a photo for a project?

Check out the LIFE photo archive. There are photos from the 1750s to today! This link is now available on the LC Library website under 'Research links.'

Here is a pic I found using the LIFE archive. This is one of my favorite people from the past...